Certified Genealogist


Pay Attention to Witnesses and Others

Pay Attention to Witnesses and Others 

We all have seen them on the records of our ancestors, but how often do we really pay attention to their names and research them? Witnesses, Security, Informants. Usually these people were relatives of our ancestors or at least close friends or business associates. And often by researching them we find our more about our ancestors.

I have been guilty of not paying close enough attention to these names in the past. But I think I’ve learned my lesson. The first example I want to share is the one that made me mend my ways. 

The marriage bond for John English and Catherine Brown dated 22 Dec 1807 from Richmond Co., Va., listed Edward J. Northen as security. 

For years I had neglected researching Edward J. Northen because I hadn’t encountered any persons with the surname Northen in my research that appeared to be related. Was I wrong! After a little bit of digging, I discovered that Edward Jones Northen was the son of Margaret (Jones) Northen whose sister was Lucy (Jones) Brown. Lucy and her husband Daniel Brown were the parents of Caty Brown who was born 12 Nov 1776 in Richmond Co. Va. Caty Brown was Catherine, my 2nd Great Grandmother! The dates matched, the place matched and the names matched. How foolish I had been to not chase this down years earlier. As a result I have been able to trace that line back to the late 1600’s when I had created my own brick wall at 1807. No more.

The will of Winifred Campbell dated 2 May 1781 from Lancaster Co., Va., listed William Stonum as a witness.

In William Stonum’s will he left a part of his estate to “…Betty Campbells three Children or the Survivors of them…” A marriage record for Betty Stonum to George Campbell dated 16 Mar 1779 was found and George Campbell was named in the will of his mother Winifred. William Stonum being listed as a witness to Winifred’s will helped to cement the relationship of Betty and George as the parents of the three children listed in William Stonum’s will.  

Richard Carter and Susannah Briscoe - Marriage Bond - 21 Dec 1790 - Westmoreland County, Marriage bonds, licenses and ministers' returns, 1772-1901 Marriage bonds, ca. 1771-1792, image no. 131 - FHL Film 2080526.jpg

Marriage Bond

James Briscoe is listed as the security on the marriage bond of Susannah Briscoe and Richard Carter. View Record

The marriage bond for Richard Carter and Susannah Briscoe dated 21 Dec 1790 from Westmoreland Co., Va. listed James Briscoe as security.

It was obvious that James Briscoe was probably related to Susannah, but how? It took quite a bit of time but eventually I was able to find the estate distribution of James Briscoe in Westmoreland Co., and what a find! Who was the executor of James Briscoe’s estate? Richard Carter. James Briscoe was Susannah’s father. The record also listed that Richard received a part of the estate “…in right of his wife Susannah…” and he also received a part “…for his three children; George, James and John…” No other record has been found that lists these children. A fantastic find!

The marriage record of Joseph Major and Martha Cleevley dated 10 Oct 1844 from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England listed William Potter and Sarah Major as witnesses.

Joseph and Martha Major left England and arrived in New York 30 Nov 1844. Listed with them on the ship passenger list were William and Sarah Potter, Sarah was Joseph’s sister, she and William had married nine days before Joseph and Martha. Joseph was listed incorrectly as “James” on the ship manifest, but seeing William and Sarah listed next to them helped to confirm that it was indeed them. Joseph’s occupation as a carpenter was listed on his marriage record and the ship record, and William’s occupation as a saddler was listed on his marriage record and the ship manifest.

Don’t make the same mistake I made by either dimissing or just not paying attention to the witnesses and other details on the records of your ancestors. You will undoubtedly find more information about your ancestors as you search out all the names on these records!

Source List:

George Harrison Sanford King, Marriages of Richmond Co., Virginia 1668-1853 (Fredericksburg, Virginia: George Harrison Sanford King, 1964), p. 65, John English and Catherine Brown, bond 22 December 1807. 

George Harrison Sanford King, The registers of North Farnham parish, 1663-1814 and Lunenburg parish, 1783-1800, Richmond County, Virginia (Fredericksburg, Virginia: compiled and published by George Harrison Sanford King, circa 1966), p. 23, "BROWN, CATY daughter of Daniel and Lucy Brown, 12 November 1776". 

Lancaster County, Virginia, Deed and will books, 1652-1900 ; general indexes, 1652-1900, Will book 20, 1770-1783, p. 200, Will of Winifred Campbell, mother of George Campbell; FHL microfilm 32137. 

Westmoreland County, Virginia, Marriage bonds, ca. 1771-1792: unpaginated, Richard Carter and Susannah Briscoe, 21 Dec 1790, James Briscoe, security; FHL microfilm 2080526. 

Westmoreland County, Virginia, Records and inventories, Vol. 8 1799-1806: p. 581, Richard Carter in right of his wife Susannah and for his three chldren George, James and John; FHL microfilm 34,312. 

Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, Certified Copy of an Entry of Marriage, Application No. R 004702, Joseph Major and Martha Cleevely, 10 October 1844: paper copy in possession of Kimball G. Carter. 

Charlton Kings, Gloucestershire, England, Marriages, 1754-1892, p. 83; Sarah Major and William Potter Marriage Record, 1 Oct 1844; FHL microfilm no. 856939. 

"New York, Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957," ship manifest, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 26 August 2019), Manifest, Yorkshire, Liverpool to New York, arriving 30 Nov 1844, p. 1, line 1-4, Wm. Potter, Sarah [Potter], James[Joseph] Major, Mary[Martha] [Major]; citing National Archives Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897; Microfilm Roll: 056.

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